Funeral Order of Service Printing
Funeral order of services can be personalised however you require. You can have them produced in four, eight or twelve pages depending on the content you need to include.
You can produce printed funeral order of services to give to family and friends who attend the funeral.
Sharing the funeral order of services with mourners ensures everyone feels a part of the memorial.
Our aim is to make funeral order of service printing simple, trouble-free and affordable. With over 35 years of experience in funeral stationery production behind us. We understand only too well what a difficult time this can be for everyone involved. We share our expertise to help make this part of the funeral arrangements as straightforward as possible.
Funeral order of services are normally placed on seats in Church pews or given to mourners as they arrive. Funerals order of services such as this guide the mourners, but also provide a lasting keepsake which is comforting.
After a funeral, the funeral order of services can also be sent to people who were unable to attend the ceremony.
Funeral Order of Service Printing
After you have purchased please email your details and images and we will email sample pages within 24 hours after receiving your details. You then proof read and amend or approve before we send to print. We print within 1 – 2 days after approval of the details and then post out.
Photograph for the front cover along with the deceased full name. You would normally include their date of birth and the day they died. Also you can include the church or crematoriums name along with the date and time of the funeral. Often the priest, vicar or celebrants name is included on the front cover.
You can agree the internal pages of the funeral order of services with the person conducting the service. But you can include the complete hymns and/or readings, but do discuss this and find the correct order it will take. You can include on the final page another photograph, along with where refreshments will take place. If donations in lieu of flowers is taking place it is normal to include there the money will be donated to.
You may decide you want a montage of photographs within the funeral order of services this is also possible.
You can gain a wealth of knowledge from us in getting these right for our customers and their loved ones, so don’t hesitate to call if you have any concerns.
Email photographs and details to If you would like to speak to a person direct, rather than a machine with any queries, call Carole on 07540 478311 or 0191 3702811.
Quality printing at very affordable prices!
CP Print Services are not just limited to what you see here, whatever you need we can provide.
If you have any questions please contact us today!
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The Invite Factory
Our sister website ‘The Invite Factory’ ( is focused solely on invitations and creating the perfect stationery that you need for your special day.
We have hundreds of products that can be customised and given that personal feel for exactly what you want. Our invitation products include:
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